with Tatiana Muse

The  Podcast

Encouraging female entrepreneurs to
build a life of freedom, impact, and legacy.

Watch  Me  Create  The  Podcast

 Check out my behind the scenes vlog of my initial thoughts of making this podcast and how it came to be! 

latest EPISODE

Welcome To The Inspire Blueprint Podcast! (Trailer)

Join business coach and mentor, Tatiana Muse as she shares her real experiences and tips for running an online business, overcoming life’s setbacks, and creating a legacy. Featuring candid conversations about motherhood, womanhood, mindset, and entrepreneurship. The Inspire Blueprint podcast will encourage you to get out of your own way and build the life you desire.


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Ready to Build the Blueprint for Your Life and Business?

I'm passionate about helping women get out of their own to start the online business of their dreams! I provide tips, real-life experiences, and tools for the road map to go from idea to reality. From gaining the clarity, creating your dream products, and learning how to become consistent with your ideas you'll get unstuck and into action to FINALLY start making money doing what you love. 

A little about me...

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