I’ve been there before. You set out to start this business that’s been on your mind and then something pauses everything. Maybe you started thinking that you’re not cut out for it and you doubt your abilities. Possibly your on information overload from all of the initial research you did so you just figured it’d be easier to not do. Maybe you just can’t figure out where to start exactly, you know what needs to be done but can’t put it into a structured plan. No matter what it may be that’s holding you back it’s time to overcome and push forward.
One of the biggest things I love about what I do is the light that women have when they talk about their business. Typically it’s followed up by why they are fearful, unsure, in their own way and that’s why they haven’t gotten started.
I wanted to share with you my five tips for how to overcome this HUGE roadblock and start making moves!

ONE Get out of your own way
We can be the biggest reason why things don’t work out. If you’re hard on yourself and stop the good that could be happening raise your hand. (I waved my hand high)
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we sabotage our success before we even get started? It could be something from the past that’s causing the fear. Overcome what’s holding you back by facing it.
Check out the free FEAR Model for Goals training to help adjust your mindset and overcome what’s holding you back.
When you finally allow yourself to start it will be such a freeing experience. It won’t be perfect but the fact that you are reading this post means that you are already taking steps. Now you just have to believe.
TWO Research
Set aside a day each week or an entire weekend to research what it takes to get started. Look into how to register your business, where to get your items manufactured, what platform you should sell on. There are many moving parts that go into launching a business and it’s no small feat. The more you get a head and gain the knowledge the better. Plus, naturally gaining knowledge will empower you and fuel you to want to start knocking out the tasks at hand.
One thing I remember experiencing when I first started my business was the overwhelming amount of information out there. So many people are telling you how they did it. Suggesting what they think you should do. It can be a lot and I want to help!
I created a training called The FIrst Ten for this exact reason. It’s a live online training with me walking you through the first ten steps to starting your creative product-based business. It’s a great way to invest in your business early on and learn the process needed to launch your business within the next three months! Learn more about the training here.
THREE Small Progress vs. Big Picture
As you start creating the master to do list for your business, remember good things take time. Try to focus on the little tasks instead of the overall end result. It will be alot less intimidating that way. Pick something you want to focus on each week.
Maybe one week you want to focus on your brand and logo. Pick your designer or DIY it. Solidify what your brand will be. Then another week you might focus on setting up your website. It doesn’t have to be all over the place.
When you focus on the small tasks, celebrate as you accomplish them. They are getting you on your way to launching the business you’ve been dreaming about! They matter!
FOUR Create a Roadmap
Now back to that list of to dos. Create a plan for actually getting these done. Come up with a date that you want to launch your business. If possible give yourself at least three months. THis will allow for you to create a quality business that you truly understand with a solid brand, purpose, and message. It will give you time to create a great launch strategy and product offering. Once you know when you are launching announce it (it’s a great accountability hack that I do all the time)! Then get started.
Brain dump all of the tasks you need to complete and then pick out what you want to tackle first. Write out a plan for the months ahead as you move closer to your launch.

FIVE Put Yourself Out There
This is a tough love moment… If you are nervous about sharing what you do or plan to do you have to get out of that! Being an entrepreneur has so much to do with mindset. You want to position yourself for success. To do that you have to believe in yourself and you have to show up for your business.
I am one of the most introverted people but when it comes to The STationery Muse I show up. For my business I am outgoing and excited because if I’m not how can I expect someone else to be. If I’m not sharing what I do how will people know what I have to offer? If you don’t show up for your business no one will.
With that being said, I get that it may be scary in the beginning. It’s something that can take time but it will get better. Don’t put all of this work in to never share your business. It’s so important to put yourself out there and let people know what amazing products you have to offer.
This is such an exciting time for you! I am rooting for you every step of the way. Now is the time to make it happen.
Best Wishes,
Wow! I am truly grateful to have stumbled upon your videos to now reading your motivational business tips! I am so excited for my Kick-off call! It’s like you already know, before you really know. 🙂 ekkkksss.
I am so Inspired by your videos. It seemed like you had a video for every which way I was feeling about the journal business. I am really excited to be on this journey with you.