Creating Intentional Time For You and Your Business | CEO Day

August 25, 2022

I'm Tatiana

I help overwhelmed women gain clarity, overcome fear, and create a clear plan to start the stationery business they dream of. 




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Being an entrepreneur comes with a huge responsibility. It can feel like you have the weight of the world on you when you’re trying to run a business, find time for yourself, AND show up in all areas of your life. After some years of dealing with this reality, I was introduced to the idea of a CEO Day. For the last year and a half, I have been implementing intentional days into my calendar that are just for me and my business. 

Yes, I am a mom and a wife and have this day twice a month! It’s pretty amazing! 

Now of course I work on other days but this day is different.

So what is a CEO Day exactly?
Think of it as a set day to work on specific tasks for your business without interruption. This could include what people call working ON the business. So getting a big picture look at how things are going, running your numbers, setting milestones, and celebrating wins. It could also be working IN the business as well. This could include administrative tasks, designing, and working on the backend, and improving systems. It could even be a full day of dreaming, planning, and hearing from God. 

I love to make my CEO Day a combination of working on my business and some form of self-care. I typically treat myself to something to eat and try to get pampered in some way. Then, the icing on the cake is the amount of focus I get to work on tasks uninterrupted.

How do you implement this?
I’ve worked out an agreement with my husband to make this happen. He’s off every other Friday so I’m able to leave the house if I choose and go have time away to do whatever I desire. I love using these days to get things done that I’ve been putting off as well as to free up my mental space.

Overall, a CEO day is a wonderful way for you to start working towards making more time for what you love. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, how much money you’ve made, or any other measurement. A CEO day can be done from Day 1 and 0 dollars because it’s all about being intentional with your time. 

This is your encouragement to make your CEO moment happen! 

In the video, I shared a bit of a look at Click Up! If you want to try out Click Up for yourself you can sign up for it here.

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I'm Tatiana

I help overwhelmed women gain clarity, overcome fear, and create a clear plan to start the stationery business they dream of. 




FEAR + mindset

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