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When you’re ready to take control of your life and really start living it the way you desire it’s a deep journey. The Inspire Blueprint podcast is all about helping you build a blueprint that leads to you a life you love full of freedom, impact, and legacy.
There are so many things to consider when we stop living for everyone else and choose to prioritize what we want as well. In this episode, we break down the I.N.S.P.I.R.E. acronym and how you take a vision you have for your life and make it a reality. We’ll touch on things like being intentional in everything you do to finding things that bring you ultimate peace. May this episode be the confirmation you need to step into who you’re being called to be and make the necessary decision to start living like it.
This first episode is very foundational and sets up exactly what my hope is for you. In the intro of this podcast, one of the things I emphasize is that I am passionate about helping you to get out of your own way to build a life full of freedom, impact, and legacy. That is my number one mission and has been for so many years.
This podcast is encouraging you to set yourself up for success to enjoy your life, really embrace every moment, and live it for you. Not for anybody else.
The word inspire has such a deep meaning in me my life. It’s not only the meaning of my last name but it’s also the purpose I’ve had since I was a little girl. I am here to inspire. So it was only fitting to create an acronym of the word that fully represents what this podcast is but also to act as a blueprint for you to build the life you desire.
It’s created so that you can have freedom, impact, and legacy. The freedom of your time, of your finances, and of just being who you want to be. The impact of what you’re able to share with other people is based on the things you’ve been through and how you turn that into something amazing. The legacy, for those that are to come after us, our children, our grandchildren, or just people that might stumble upon us years from now after we’re long gone. What is that thing that we left behind that is there for someone to pick them up, to help them to grow them? What is the legacy? What are we known for?
So let’s get into this!
Having intention behind everything gives us an overall purpose. It’s our navigation telling us what to focus on and where we’re going. When there is purpose/intention there is clarity around exactly what is for us and what is not.
It’s important to nourish our mind, body, and soul with things that fuel us to show up as our best selves. How can you fill yourself with things that serve you as a whole? What are the positive messages you can add to your day to day? How can you start taking care of yourself better? Health is wealth and it’s important in order to build the life we desire. We need to be in the best shape, mental space, and feeling to face the plans we have.
Stop diminishing the strides you are making simply because they don’t “measure up” to someone else. Defining what success means to you in your life is key. When you think about what brings you the ultimate joy and comfort how does it line up with your picture of success? Comparison has robbed us of celebrating where we are and what we’ve done and gives us this false sense of success.
Take time to identify what is important to you and how you can start celebrating and focusing on your path. Once you realize everyone’s version of success isn’t for you it unlocks potential beyond your wildest dreams.
Being able to identify what brings you peace and calmness in your life is important. It could be quiet moments, journaling, pampering, the beach, or reading. Whatever that is for you bring more of it into your life. Set aside time intentionally for peace.
INSPIRE TIP: If you know there are hectic points within your day where you feel anxious or overwhelmed add something to that moment to make you smile. One thing I have is an alarm that goes off at the same time every day (a time that can be anxious) and it tells me it’s going to be alright.
To see where you started from in relation to where you are now and to keep striving for more. It’s ok to want more, to pray for more, and to be hopeful. Reflecting on low points and humble moments in our lives allows us to not only be grateful for where we are but it’s proof that we can have an increase. It’s proof that life can get better and that it should. So be expectant and want more for your life, always.
Real (Authentic)
Embracing who you truly are and knowing that not everyone is for you. There are people that will resonate with your story and your vulnerability just as you might connect with someone in the same way. Be open to sharing parts of you that peel back the layers and impact someone else.
This can be in business but also in your everyday life. Letting people into the experience you have can help them become better. We are all assigned to people in our lives, and the negative and positive experiences we’ve faced are part of that assignment.
Removing the negativity that will happen anyway and choosing to focus on the good things. Choosing to laugh and be light and lean into making lasting memories. Enjoying life is so important because it’s so unexpected, short, and a gift every day. Negativity will always be there but good moments are what build a blueprint of freedom, impact, and legacy. So remove the negative stressors (social media, news, toxic people) and get back to enjoying.
Things Mentioned:
Everyday Magic by Mattie James
My YouTube Channel
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