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In this episode, Tatiana shares how 2023 went for her in the form of lessons learned. It’s an episode of reflection, hope, and getting real. As we get ready for a new year remember that the next 365 are just a portion of the chapter, it’s not everything. There will be ups and downs but most importantly, there will be growth!
- Prayer changes but it takes persistence and patience.
In 2022, I prayed hard in many areas of my life and I did it often. I learned to practice patience in these areas and truly saw God work in every one of these areas for me. I was faithful in the wait and I am so grateful for this. The main areas in this happened were a prayer for full-time entrepreneurship, marriage, motherhood, and friendship.
2. Money is NOT everything and it doesn’t equal success
This year I really had to change my mindset about money. It’s one of the easiest ways to measure business success but it’s not the only thing that matters. I had to shift the narrative of if I’m not making x dollars I’m not successful. Many times I get caught up with my own expectations and this year I learned to measure success in other ways.
3. Support is everything
This year had many challenges for me and my support system was so crucial in my getting through this. I am so grateful for my family and friends and the village that we are building here.
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