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In this episode, I am sharing my best tips for getting organized and planning for your business. As a solopreneur, there are a lot of moving parts and it’s important to have a set way of planning out the tasks, launches, and upcoming projects. This is for anyone that is craving to have a process in place for executing all of their business tasks in a way that works for them.
1. Know Your Planning Style
Only you know what the best way of planning is for you. There will be trends along the way and new things that might set you off course. Just be sure that you always know what works best for you and use it as a default when you’re feeling unsure of how to get organized. For the it’s always been daily planning. Over the years I’ve been distracted by new planners that I’ve come in contact with but I always send up back to my favorite style of planning which is daily.
2. Be open to different seasons
A planning style that you love may not always be your go-to in every season. In some seasons, I find that I don’t use a planner at all and I might heavily rely on ClickUp or Google Calendar. There will be times when you’re super busy, unmotivated, or taking a pause so be open to the change. Invite in new ways of planning when it seems like a better fit.
PRO TIP: If you tend to feel guilty when you miss pages in a dated planner consider trying undated. It gives you the freedom to stop and pick up where you left off without the feeling of wasting paper or money. I’ve fallen in love with undated planning and recommend giving it a try if you’re into paper planning.
3. Time Blocking and Theming Days
Take a time of every day and how it flows. What are your moments when you are occupied vs. when you have an opening in the day? This will be a key component to making your business fit into your day-to-day life. If this is a new pursuit of yours it can feel overwhelming to figure out how to make your business work for you. You can make it happen but it takes sacrifice and finding those breaks in the day will be the start of that.
Also, pick specific days of the week when you focus on certain business-related tasks. For example, you might have an admin day where you focus on things behind the scenes. Then, there may be a set day for fulfilling orders or going live with your social media platform. Getting clear on when things happen is a huge part of the success of making the plans happen. This also helps you face the week instead of the week coming and not knowing what to focus on. This is a proactive approach that I highly recommend trying.
4. Big Picture (Brain Dump)
Writing the things in your head down is an action item. Take time to write down what’s on your mind and then categorize them in a way that helps you know what to focus on first. I do this by batching them into someday, next month, this month, this week, now.
Then I add them into ClickUp and they get turned into projects as it gets into the time frame. This is a process that I love to do once a quarter but if there are a lot of things on my mind I’ll do it even more.
Then from there, I’m able to pick a key three from those focuses. An example might be one backend task, one connection (social media focus), and one launch. Then each of those would get broken down into small action items with dates to be completed by the bigger deadline.
Start with the big picture (brain dump) writing it down is taking the first step
5. Pick One Thing Per Day
Life can be very hectic. Picking one thing to focus on per day will help you not feel like you’re falling behind. It’s realistic and a great way to start making small progress toward the bigger goal.
BONUS: Pick A Day To Actually Execute
There needs to be a day(s) to make sure that all of the “plans” are getting completed. Writing it down is just half the battle. Once you know it’s something that is required to dos make sure those to-dos and steps are tied to a specific date. This sets you up for success to accomplish what you have planned for your business.
Remember to make it work for you! Take what works from this and find a good fit for your lifestyle and the season you’re currently in.
Things Mentioned:
Quarterly Wall Planning System – Code VISUAL for $5 off
My Undated 6-Month Business Planner
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